
A beginner’s guide to Docker  —  How to create your first Docker application 🐳

Now let’s create your first application Before starting to build the app, let’s first install the pre-requisites that are required for building the docker containers, 1. Install Docker on your m...

Docker Cheetsheet 🐳

Manage images docker build Create an image from a Dockerfile. docker build [options] . -t "app/container_name" # name --build-arg APP_HOME=$APP_HOME # Set build-time variables docker...

Containerization vs. Virtualization

What’s the Difference ? container vs virtualization Containerization and virtualization, both, are methods of deploying many isolated services on the same platform and they are both prominent to...

Introduction to Docker 🐳

In this article lets try to understand one of the most popular tools used to containerize and deploy applications i.e. Docker. It makes packaging & deploying applications extremely easy. We wi...

Common problems and solutions of TensorFlow GPU installation

When i first started using Tensorflow GPU setup, I often encounter problems. I have installed it several times and often encounter the same or similar problems. So I plan to record it and hope it c...


About the Tool This is an Open Source AES Standard encrytion tool, AES stands for Advanced Encrption Standard. It is a symmetric-key algorithm, meaning the same key is used for both encrypting and...

Track Model training metrics in realtime using Notifly

About the package Simple Bots to push notifications during an event trigger. wrapper to send messages, images, files over the bot using API. wrapper to send message, images, files to the ch...

TensorFlow Deep learning Setup using GPU

Deep Learning frameworks The interest on deep-learning has been growing enormous in the past couple of months but in order to get started we need a stable development environment. I find many beg...